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Blog Assignment 1

In the video the speaker talks about the Elements of Style, a book that describes the elements of effective writing. The main points of the book include; use specific language, use nouns and verbs, put words that have the greatest emphasis at the end of a sentence and omit needless words. I think the idea of “omit needless words” is crucial when it relates to business writing. You would want to be as clear and concise s possible when writing in a business setting. The speaker talks about writing in the classic style as well. Classic style is when the writer wants the reader to see objective reality. This style lets the reader look at the world from the writer’s perspective and see what is fact. Classic style is also about being clear. It is better to be clear and wrong than “muddy” and “not even wrong”. This means that when writing you want to convey only the facts from your experience, it is the reader’s job to create their own opinions. One last takeaway from the video is that word order is very important to the flow of writing. Due to the nature of the English language the same sentence could be written many different ways and still have the same meaning. Depending on how you want to reveal information to the reader depends on the structure of your sentence. For business writing you want your main point to be clear for your target audience. If your audience can’t follow your message then you have lost credibility.

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